COGNOS Cognos Buiness Intelligence Certifications Certification : Cognos Buiness Intelligence Certifications – Cognos Buiness Intelligence Certifications Training materials and learning support to the Exam Cognos Buiness Intelligence Certifications
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Cognos Buiness Intelligence CertificationsExams
BI0-112  Cognos 8 BI Author v2
Price:$39.68   Add to cart 147 Q&As    Update Time:20-12-2024
BI0-110  Cognos 8 BI Author
Price:$39.68   Add to cart 173 Q&As    Update Time:20-12-2024
BI0-135  IBM Cognos 8 BI OLAP Developer
Price:$39.68   Add to cart 160 Q&As    Update Time:24-12-2024
BI0-210  IBM Cognos 8 BI Professional
Price:$39.68   Add to cart 165 Q&As    Update Time:20-12-2024
BI0-120  Cognos 8 BI Administrator
Price:$39.68   Add to cart 152 Q&As    Update Time:20-12-2024
BI0-130  Cognos 8 BI Modeler
Price:$39.68   Add to cart 202 Q&As    Update Time:20-12-2024
BI0-140  Cognos 8 BI Scorcard Administrator
Price:$39.68   Add to cart 197 Q&As    Update Time:20-12-2024
BI0-122  Cognos 8 BI Administrator v2
Price:$39.68   Add to cart 142 Q&As    Update Time:20-12-2024
BI0-125  IBM Cognos 8 BI Data Warehouse Developer
Price:$39.68   Add to cart 183 Q&As    Update Time:20-12-2024
BI0-132  Cognos 8 BI Metadata Model Developer
Price:$39.68   Add to cart 152 Q&As    Update Time:20-12-2024
BI0-142  IBM Cognos 8 BI Scorecard Developer
Price:$39.68   Add to cart 174 Q&As    Update Time:20-12-2024
BI0-145  IBM Cognos 8 BI Multidimensional Author
Price:$39.68   Add to cart 156 Q&As    Update Time:20-12-2024
BI0-150  Cognos 8 BI Technical Specialist
Price:$39.68   Add to cart 153 Q&As    Update Time:20-12-2024